Need to Know – Family Life Changes

Change happens all the time, some is great, some is hard, some is stressful and some is freeing! (We leave that to our clients to deiced which is which) The change for one person may be hard and another freeing!, for example when your child moves out of the house to...

Understanding Digital Change

It’s kind of amazing how these days we can purchase, view, download, upload, subscribe, order, schedule and so many more things from the comfort of just about anywhere.  For example being on the road I was able to “LEARN” from Bharat Anand  Henry R....

5 Steps to a Healthier Workplace

Did you know the average employee spends almost 60% of their life working? It’s true! We spend as much (or more) of our adult lives working as we do sleeping, which is why it’s important we make sure our workplace can help us be healthy and happy. Here are a few tips...