Call Us Toll-Free 1(877) 472-0038
The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan® was created to meet the needs of small business owners, like farmers.
Chambers Plan can provide affordable comprehensive health and dental coverage for you and your eligible employees.
A Better Health & Dental Plan is Available for Farmers
Plans available for single operator farms. Guaranteed coverage available for farms with 1 to 35 eligible employees, with no medical questions.
- Guaranteed Issue available for 1 and 35 person farms!
- Pooled benefits, no farm singled out for rate increase
- Coverage available to 1 person farms & home-based
businesses - Comprehensive options including Dental and Medical
- Disability, Critical Illness and Overhead Expense
plans - Pay-Direct Prescription Drug cards
- Tailor-made plans to suit your needs
- Best Doctors® services and Business Assistance Service
included in every group plan
An Established History. The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
has operated continuously for over forty years. When Chambers Plan first took shape, small businesses including farms, had a tough time getting group benefits. Chambers Plan filled that gap. Today, there are still few alternatives in the marketplace for farms. The Chambers Plan group coverage continues to provide a valuable service to members, combining accessibility with a competitively priced, quality product and pooled benefits to stabilize your rates.
With the Chambers Plan benefits, you have a whole range of choices, from basic levels of coverage to comprehensive coverage.

What Our Customers Say: “Everywhere we go these days we hear, “I want the best price and your best service”. We do too, and we found it through the Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan and [our local advisor]. They have reasonable rates and the administration is the easiest I have encountered in my 30 years of managing
companies.” -Heidi, Kelowna
No Farm is Too Small
- Benefit packages are available to farms from 1 to 35 employees
- Home-based businesses qualify for coverage
- Guaranteed coverage available for farms with 3 or more employees
Guaranteed Stability
- Chambers Plan has operated continuously for over 40 years
- Pooled benefits stabilize your rates at renewal time
- Non-cancellable plan due to the claims experience of your farm
Outstanding Service
- Claims are processed promptly and efficiently
- Your local marketing advisor is available to address your needs
Providing Flexibility and Good Value to Farms Since
The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan® was created to meet the needs of small business owners, like farmers, who historically found it difficult to provide group benefits for themselves, their families and employees. The Chambers Plan is the largest plan of its kind in Canada covering over 25,000 businesses.
Put your farm to work for you. With Chamber’s Plan, premiums are a deductible farm expense!
Call Us Toll Free
Quote Request Hotline
1(877) 472-0038
A Plan That Gives Back To YOUR Local Community
Chambers Plan is sponsored by your local Chamber of Commerce. Shop Local – By participating in Chambers Plan you will be supporting your local community.
The average renewal adjustment for the past decade was only 4.25%.